Act 2 Scene 3 of Henry the fourth by
William Shakespeare
Act 2 scene, 3 of Henry, the fourth Hotspur reads, a letter that greatly upsets him a nobleman invited to join. The Rebellion has turned him down, Hotspur says that because the writer is such a coward, he might warn the king of the Those plans. And so they will move against King Henry that very night. Lady Percy, Hotspurs wife, Kate enters. She complains that she's barely seen her husband for the last two weeks and that he hasn't been eating or sleeping. Well, she demands an explanation. When Hotspur Answers by calling, for his horse, Kate voices, her concern that hot spot has gotten involved in mortimer's maneuvering for the crown. Oxford. Rejects her pleas for conversation. This is he says, a time for violence and injury, not love or explanations, and he cannot tell her the truth anyway, because women cannot be trusted to keep secrets. The farthest, he's willing to go is to say that she can follow him. The next day, this scene Returns the audience's focus to the main political plot, the audience learns that the rebels are seeking more allies and that some threat of Free by the king exists instead of using this chance to reflect on his actions, Hotspur decides to advance the Rebellion determining to move that night before the king can learn of the rebels plans Hotspurs interaction with his wife continues. The theme of order showing the rebel Warrior lashing. With the order of the domestic sphere Hotspur is unable to respond to his wife in a suitably affectionate way telling her away. You try Fleur, Love, I love thee. Not, I cannot for the Kate, he's not really stopped caring for her. He still calls a laugh but as he points out, the time is not suitable. For domestic. Relationships, England's, broken and disrupted. Social order influences everything, even the most intimate relationships.